
The EnduroSat 3U CubeSat Bus is a fully integrated nanosatellite capable of supporting up-to 1.5U (1.5 kg) payloads.

It is provided with an Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS) with pointing accuracy as high as 0.1 degrees and complete payload integration support.

All platforms by EnduroSat includes both SpaceDev and SpaceOps subscriptions.

Key features

  • Bus Mass: 2.4-3.5 kg (configuration dependent)
  • Available Payload Mass: 2.5-3.6 kg (configuration dependent)
  • Available Payload Volume: up to 97 x 97 x 173 mm3
  • Average Payload Power Available: 10 W
  • Available Power Buses: 3.3 V, 5 V, customizable 6-12 V and Battery raw
  • Telemetry Data Rate: 19.2 kbps
  • Payload Data Rate: up to 125 Mbps

Testing & qualification

Compliant with the CubeSat standard and qualified for LEO and GEO under ESA Standard ECSS E ST20-08C.

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Last updated: 2024-02-05

3U Platform




lead time
4 to 6 mo


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