
The precise characterization of Mass Properties is significant in configuring the Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS). Tensor Tech, specializing in this domain, offers professional Mass Properties measurement services through our ADCS Testbed. Our proficient team conducts these essential services for client spacecraft and Devices under Test (DUT) upon request. By utilizing our software with our ADCS Testbed system, the service ensures optimal tuning results. Alternatively, satellite integrators or sub-system manufacturers have the flexibility to send their hardware to Tensor Tech for accurate measurements.

Tensor Tech's mass properties measurement services are dedicated to objects with a total mass of less than 30kg. Measurements are ascertained using spherical air bearing, inclinometer, and tactical grade gyroscope.

Key features

  • Total mass (measured separately), accuracy: +/- 5 mg
  • Position of the center of the mass, accuracy: +/- 0.1mm
  • Moment of inertia: +/- 2%

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Last updated: 2024-03-05

Mass Properties Measurement Services



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