O.C.E. Technology

Dublin, Ireland


O.C.E. Technology (OCE) develops debug software tools for embedded SPARC and ARM system-on-chip (SOC) devices. It also offers a range of high reliability SPARC LEON SOCs and system-in-package (SIP) memories, OBCs, and custom parts. It has recently introduced to the European market a range of satellite subystems used in the Chinese space programme.

OCE is an Irish company set up to deliver integrated circuit, software, training and services to clients developing real-time systems for the aeronautics and aerospace industries. The management team has an established track record in the successful development and sales of processor ICs and boards to large OEMs (Siemens, Intel) and the associated software and operating systems. The company is supported by the Irish government and cooperates with the European Space Agency in developing products to improve the productivity of embedded software developers.

Located in Dublin, OCE's products include a flight-ready real-time operating system, debug software tool for system-on- chip (SOC) devices, a range SPARC SOCs including the radiation hardened quad-core LEON4 E698PM, system-in-package (SIP) devices, and satellite subsystems.

OCE has agreements with other suppliers to the Chinese space program, allowing it to provide a new range of satellite subsystems. These subsystems include star trackers, batteries, solar cells and arrays, and reaction wheels. OCE has distribution partners in Europe, China, US, Russia, India, Korea, and Singapore.



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O.C.E. Technology

Dublin, Ireland


  • Product catalogue(3.73 MB)

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Last updated: 2023-04-27